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Have you attended camp before?
T-shirt Size:
Adult Small
Adult Medium
Adult Large
Adult Extra Large
Adult XXL
Adult 3XL
Camper's Date of Birth:

1. Activity Release:

Knowing there are dangers, hazards, and risks associated with Pinerock Camp & Retreat Center’s activities including Archery, Climbing Wall, Low Ropes, High Ropes, Zip Line, Paintball, BB Guns, Swimming Pool, and/or related activities (hereafter “Activities”), and with sufficient knowledge of my experience, physical condition, and any and all limitations I may have at the time, I voluntarily assume all responsibility and risk of loss, damage, illness, injury and/or death that I may in any way sustain in connection with my voluntary participation in any and/or all of these Activities.

Understanding that I could be injured or die as a result of my participation in the Activities, I agree to release, indemnify and discharge Pinerock Camp & Retreat Center and their agents, owners, officers, volunteers, participants, employees, and all other persons or entities acting in any capacity on their behalf (collectively “Pinerock”) and hold Pinerock harmless on behalf of myself, my children, my parents, my heirs, assignees, personal representative and estate.

It is my intent by signing this document to agree not to make a claim or bring a law suit against Pinerock or SIMC and to forever release them from any and all legal responsibility for any loss, injury, damage (including death) that I (or my camper) may suffer as a result of my participation in the aforementioned Activities whether due to negligence, default, action or inaction on the part of Pinerock or SIMC, with the exception of gross negligence on the part of Pinerock or SIMC.

Upon signing this form, I acknowledge and agree that I must abide by all rules, regulations, expectations, and standards of conduct applicable to participation in the Activities. I understand that Pinerock or SIMC reserves the right to limit or terminate my participation in any activity, in the sole discretion of Pinerock or SIMC staff.


Today's Date

Photo/Media Release

As the Parent/Guardian, I give my consent to use my child’s photograph, likeness or image, whether in still frame, voice or video format by World Gospel Mission/American Indian Field/SIMC/Pinerock in publications, promotional brochures, video presentations, on the world wide web and in display formats.

I understand I am giving this permission with no financial compensation to me in return for the use of my child’s photograph, likeness or image, and release World Gospel Mission/American Indian Field/SIMC/Pinerock from any legal liability for the use of said photograph, likeness or image. I hereby give my permission to use my child’s photograph, likeness and image of my own free will.

Today's Date

3. Transportation

Choose one:
I will be dropping off and picking up my child at the Christian Community Center (formerly known as the Southwest Indian Ministries Center) 14202 N 73rd Ave., Peoria, AZ 85381
I (or another adult) will be dropping off and picking up my child at Pinerock (1400 Pine Dr # 203., Prescott, AZ 86303)

I grant adults associated with SIMC to transport my camper for the purposes of camp and activities associated with camp.

Today's Date

4. Medical Release

I/We [parent/guardian] give permission for (our) child [camper] to participate in the Pinerock and SIMC program and associated field trip(s). Should my/our child become injured, I/we request that the trip leader or designated Pinerock or SIMC staff secure emergency medical services to aid my/our child, if in their judgment such services are necessary. I/we agree to incur any additional expenses associated with such action. As parents/guardians, I/we have decided (with or without medical advice) that my/our child is physically, mentally, and socially able to participate, and I/we acknowledge that any medical or accident insurance we consider necessary will be my/our responsibility to locate and purchase. Furthermore, I/we have read all sections of this form and do hereby release Pinerock, SIMC, and its employees from liability for any damages, injuries, or losses which may occur while said child is participating in this Pinerock and SIMC program.

Today's Date

5. Medical Information & Permission to give medication

Does your child have any known allergies? {Select all that apply]

ALL MEDICATIONS MUST BE TURNED IN DURING REGISTRATION. Prescription Medications must be in the original container from the Pharmacy with the Dr.’s name and directions clearly visible on the label. Please list the Prescription and Over The Counter Medications your child has with him/her and needs to take during camp along with the instructions for giving them.

In addition to the medications listed above, I give permission for SIMC staff to give the following medications that I have marked to my child as needed, according to the appropriate age/weight dosing:
Today's Date
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