Knowing there are dangers, hazards, and risks associated with Pinerock Camp & Retreat Center’s activities including Archery, Climbing Wall, Low Ropes, High Ropes, Zip Line, Paintball, BB Guns, Swimming Pool, and/or related activities (hereafter “Activities”), and with sufficient knowledge of my experience, physical condition, and any and all limitations I may have at the time, I voluntarily assume all responsibility and risk of loss, damage, illness, injury and/or death that I may in any way sustain in connection with my voluntary participation in any and/or all of these Activities.
Understanding that I could be injured or die as a result of my participation in the Activities, I agree to release, indemnify and discharge Pinerock Camp & Retreat Center and their agents, owners, officers, volunteers, participants, employees, and all other persons or entities acting in any capacity on their behalf (collectively “Pinerock”) and hold Pinerock harmless on behalf of myself, my children, my parents, my heirs, assignees, personal representative and estate.